Setting Label Decorations

In AccuRev, each element has an AccuRev status, which is expressed using one or more status indicators, for example, (kept)(member). In AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse, an element’s AccuRev status is represented using label decorations. Label decorations can be optionally displayed in the Navigator and Package Explorer views. They are always displayed in the Synchronize view.

In this topic:

Types of label decorations

You can specify one of two types of label decorations:

Icon decoration A colored symbol displayed in the lower-right corner of an object’s file-type icon. Icon decorations are displayed by default, but you can turn them off if you want.
Name decoration One or more characters appended (or prefixed) to an object’s name in the Navigator display. Name decorations are not displayed by default. You can turn them on and, optionally, change the characters used to represent the status.

The following table shows the status indicators and the label decorations that can be used to represent them.

Status Icon Decoration Default Name Decoration
(backed) green computer ^
(member) blue dot >
(modified) white wrench *
(missing) red circle ->
(overlap) white exclamation mark <>
(stale) white arrow <

Status indicators are not mutually exclusive. For example, an element’s status can include both the (modified) and (member) indicators. But Eclipse uses only one decoration on each icon/filename. The precedence order of the statuses determines which decoration is displayed. Statuses are listed in precedence order from highest to lowest in the table.

Folder and project decorations

The following shows the folder indicators:

Folder icon Meaning
Folder marked with an asterisk icon

One or more of the elements in that folder has one of the following statuses: external, modified, overlap, member

Project marked with a yellow database icon The project is shared and you are logged into AccuRev.
Project marked with a grey database icon The project is shared and you are not logged into AccuRev.
Project not marked with an AccuRev decoration The project is not shared with AccuRev.

Turning off label decorations

Label decorations for elements are displayed by default. Use this procedure to turn them off.
  1. In Eclipse, open the Preferences window (Window > Preferences).
  2. In the Preferences window, navigate to General > Appearance > Label Decorations.

  3. Clear the AccuRev Decorator check box to turn off label decorations for AccuRev elements in the Navigator view.

  4. Click OK.

Displaying name decorations

By default, only icon decorations are displayed in Eclipse. Use the following procedure to display name decorations and, optionally, change the characters used for the decoration.

Note: You can perform this procedure only on an existing Eclipse project.

  1. In Eclipse, open the Preferences window (Window > Preferences).
  2. In the Preferences window, navigate to Team > AccuRev > Label Decorations.

  3. Check the Enable text labels check box.
  4. By default, name decorations are prefixed to element names. Select Append if you want name decorations added to the end of element names.
  5. Optionally, change the characters used to represent AccuRev statuses.
  6. Click OK.